
Magnificent Women’s Series Q&A: Riaa Algoo

Magnificent Women’s Series Q&A: Riaa Algoo

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Since founding Sixtythree as the first e-commerce platform in SA, selling luxe haircare online, Riaa has transformed the business into a multi-million rand operation within the first few months of being in business at the age of 21.

Over the last few years , the 35 year old Forbes featured entrepreneur has effortlessly multitasked between various roles from mother to MD to social media influencer.

Without any formal business experience before starting Sixtythree, Riaa credits much of her hard-earned success to her inability to accept failure as an option. “The people who told me no, were the people who eventually told me yes, I have since grown to become somewhat of  a serial entrepreneur.”

Who is Riaa Algoo?

I have always been a dreamer and a rule breaker and that has shaped my journey as an entrepreneur .


Plans for 2022?

We always think that if we had a little more money, we would be happier. Unfortunately it’s a cycle that never ends. I’m grateful for the opportunity to have earned money since a very early age, earned lots of money, spent it and enjoyed it – grateful to have met socialites and celebrities and to have engaged actively in society  – basically to experience what all of those material pleasures feels like – BUT 2022 is definitely the year of spiritual growth for me. I have reached a point where nothing material can actually impress me anymore. I am on an inward journey with so many soulful questions and this year I feel as though my search has begun … While I continue to do worldly things, I wish to slowly cut myself of social media and all the distractions that come with it. Definitely intend on sharpening my focus with an unwavering mind in 2022.


Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

I don’t plan so far ahead…I do a bit of planning but ultimately I leave a lot with the universe and I allow things to unfold as it should. Ultimately, I would love to be retired in my 40s and spend more time living simply and eating more consciously, chasing sunsets and travelling without the need to photograph or post an update.


Advice for young women out there?

Some of the most powerful women in the world were once broken girls – Every situation can be changed, regardless of circumstances.


Typical day in your life?

I wake up at 4am, every day, including weekends.

I shower and get ready to pray at sunrise – I put a lot of effort into preparing and packing wholesome lunches for my kids to take to school – I find this  task very therapeutic in the mornings.

My husband and I normally drop our kids of at school together and then make some time to have breakfast or just grab a coffee together. I love exploring different cafes and cute breakfast spots.

I start work at 10 and finish at 2 which gives me the flexibility that I need in order to pick up my kids from school and spend time with them in the afternoons.

Both my husband and I enjoy a very hands on approach to parenting and rely on each other. Most nights we cook together as we both enjoy cooking.

I shower and pray again at sunset and usually read to my boys at bedtime.

I catch up on movies, socials or with extended family between 8.30 to 10pm

I try and get to bed by 10.30 at the latest.


Favourite restaurant in the UAE?



Favourite UAE celeb?

Dima Al Sheikly


Favourite quote?

If an egg is broken by outside force, life ends.

If broken by inside force, life begins.

Great things always begin from the inside